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"Gem in Me has provided a runway for my pretween to engage with other young ladies in her age group. She enjoys the positive interactions and the fun activities that Mrs. Edna brings to the table. My Gem has gotten more comfortable networking her peers. My Gem has definitely leveled up since joining. Mrs. Edna is the blueprint  of what excellence looks like and I am so grateful to her and the program."


"I like how it feels like we are bonded as sisters. I've got new friends. The Gem in Me makes me feel welcomed and included."


"I love hanging out and having our gatherings because we have a good time together. I have became close with the girls in the group. I feel more positive."


"I like that I can be comfortable around everyone. The one thing I have gotten out of this program is the leadership roles. It makes me feel empowered. 


"I like how there's a big friendship between all the girls and there's no judgement and no toxic. I feel happy being a part of the group. I've gotten information on topics like friendships and growing up and a place I can express myself."


"When the Gem in Me first started, I was so excited that my daughter would be a part of a young girl mentor group. The maturity that I've seen in my child since joining the group has been phenomenal. The girl's vote and are assigned roles just like we see in leadership such as a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc. Having such responsibilities like those roles allowed my child to really take lead and want to be involved in the same roles in her other youth groups and school. Not only does the Gem in Me make the girls exhibit responsibility but it also includes learning the bible and learning how to be more Christ like. The girls have become the best of friends and look forward to their excursions, making memories and experiences like none other. Mrs. Edna and her team have certainly put these girls in a space where they will be bold and lead whatever they come to encounter. The Gem In Me rocks and I enjoy seeing the benefits of what has been instilled and ignited in these young girl's lives.."


"I like that we can be ourselves. I have become more confident in myself in this program and I feel safe."



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